
Monday, September 30, 2019

Morality is timeless Essay

Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird highlights examples of heroism and courage in a small Alabama town plagued with racism and poverty. The novel focuses on the experiences of the Finch family which consists of Atticus, Jem, and Scout. Scout serves as the narrator of the book; her story is based on her recollections of the events leading up to, during, and after her father’s defense of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping Mayell Ewell, a white woman. To Kill a Mockingbird is not only a critique of racism, but teaches valuable life lessons about moral courage and standing up for what is right. The protagonist, Atticus, displays both moral and physical courage throughout the novel. He is committed to instilling in his children the importance of living an ethical lifestyle regardless of the circumstances. For example, he explains to Scout that he accepted the Tom Robinson case because it is a moral obligation for equal representation. Specifically, he clarifies to Scout that the primary reason is † if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again† (Lee 83). Atticus believes that it is only fair to judge one in terms of that individual’s moral caliber not by the color of their skin. Furthermore, he does not condone retaliation. Even though Mrs. Dubose, a morphine addict, is prejudice and unkind, Atticus reprimands Jem for behaving heartlessly towards her. Atticus never loses his composure even when Bob Ewell maliciously spits in his face. He rationally explains, â€Å"He had to take it out on somebody and I’d rather it be me than that houseful of children out there. You understand? † (Lee 218). Harper Lee’s lesson is that a person’s morals should not be affected by other’s behaviors or beliefs. Honor Above All 1 Steiner 2 Harper Lee creates the narrator, Scout, to demonstrate that morality is not necessarily instinctive but can be taught. As the novel progresses, Scout realizes that moral courage is more difficult to carry out than physical courage. No one in the community wants to associate with Boo Radley; however, Scout comes to recognize his compassion and returns it with civility. Although initially fearful, Scout welcomes Boo’s gifts and embraces his differences. Again, Scout demonstrates that morality can be learned when a potentially violent situation arises at playground with another classmate; she refrains from using force. Her calmer nature proves effective at the courthouse. She harmlessly inquires about Mr. Cunningham’s family, â€Å"Hey Mr. Cunningham. I know your son, Walter he is a nice kid. We go to school together†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lee 81). Her kindness results in the scattering of the angry townspeople. Scout witnesses that kindness is effective tool to avert violence. The minor characters of Calpurnia, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are symbols of decency and respect regardless of their backgrounds. Calpurnia chastises Scout for mocking Walter’s unsophisticated eating habits. â€Å"Hush your mouth! Don’t matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house’s yo’ comp’ny, and don’t you let me catch you remarkin’ on their ways like you was so high and mighty†¦! † (Lee 33). Calpurnia is a maternal figure for the Finch children as she too, similarly to Atticus, helps them to differentiate right from wrong. Tom Robinson exhibits courage when he volunteers to help Mayella Ewell with household chores even though he is aware of his inferior social standing. His decision to speak only the truth in court by stating, â€Å"I felt right sorry for her; she seemed to try more’n the rest of ’em. ,†(Lee 197) further demonstrates his caring demeanor and commitment to behave courteously. Lee includes the character of Boo to Honor Above All 2 Steiner 3 depict another type of prejudice: social discrimination. Despite his social alienation, Boo courageously abandons the safety of his home to help ‘his kids. ’ Boo is guided by his sense of what is right and puts aside society’s rejection. Calpurnia, Tom Robinson, and Boo are guided by morality. Courage can be defined as the ability to face fear, pain, uncertainty, and the unknown. Harper Lee effectively uses her characters to demonstrate moral and immoral choices and consequences. Atticus and Scout respond to the town’s racism with a resolute sense of purpose. Through her father’s and Calpurnia’s guidance she becomes more refined and tolerant. She averts physical confrontations at school and understands that morality should not change with each situation. The character of Tom Robinson symbolizes what it truly means to be a caring human being. Regardless of the racism that he endures, he is honest and compassionate. While racism plays a significant role in Lee’s novel; the importance of moral courage cannot be understated. As Atticus profoundly advises, â€Å"You’ll never know really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view†¦ † (Lee 65). Harper Lee conveys that since justice is blind to race, gender, and differences a moral code is the only hope for equality. Unfortunately, as exhibited in the novel, adhering to one’s moral code does not always guarantee the desired or just outcome. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. London: Vintage Classics, 2007. Print. Honor Above All 3.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Homefield Advantage

Laurence Daniel Jan. 17, 2010 EN 102 D Creative 1 Home Field Advantage It is time to separate fact from myth. The weather is perfect. The stadium is at capacity. The fans are screaming at the top of their lungs, but is this all for nothing? Every sport has fans that love and support their teams. Some people even adjust their schedules to make sure that they can attend every single game. When they arrive the atmosphere is intense. So intense, in fact, that it becomes hard for people to hear others sitting nearby. Some people strongly believe that this â€Å"intensity† affects the way that the players play their game. Most believe that the home-team has some sort of advantage over the opposition. People love a competitive football game, but more than anything, they love to see their teams win. However, given the so-called home field advantage, is it becoming unfair for fans to attend their favorite teams’ games? Research shows that home field advantage gives the home-team an edge, but not much of one. Football players report that some stadiums are tougher to play in than others because of the acoustics. Some stadiums can reach noise levels up to 127 decibels. With all that noise and distraction, teams have now started to train for these extremely nosy crowds. To go into a stadium and defeat a team who has the crowd on their side is always a great feeling, which disproves the idea that it might somewhat unfair to have home field advantage. It turns out home field advantage is one of those unknown factors that can help or not help any team at any time. There is a certain advantage to playing on home field, but whether it is enough depends on the team. It would be impossible to eliminate this â€Å"advantage† without taking away the fans in the seats. Sports are supposed to be fun, and without the fans, what is left? It is time we stop stressing over something that is simply part of the game.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assess the Contribution of Marxism to Our Understanding of the Role of Education Essay

Using material from Item A and elsewhere assess the contribution of Marxism to our understanding of the role of education. As mentioned in Item A, Marxists take a critical view of the role of education. They see society as based on class divisions and capitalist exploitations. The capitalist society is a two class system as mentioned in Item A and it consists of a ruling class, the bourgeoisie and the working class, the proletariat. The bourgeoisie exploits the proletariat according to Marxists and they believe that the education system only serves the needs and interests of the ruling class, as mentioned in Item A.  Marxists also education as functioning to prevent revolution and maintain capitalism. According to Louis Althusser, the state consists of two elements or apparatuses, both which work to keep the bourgeoisie in power. Firstly, the repressive state apparatuses (RSAs), which maintain the rules of the bourgeoisie by force or the threat of it. The RSAs include the police, courts and army. When necessary they use physical force to repress the working class. Secondly, the ideological state apparatuses (ISAs), as mentioned in Item A, maintains the rule of the bourgeoisie by controlling people’s ideas and beliefs. The ISAs include religion, the mass media and the education system. In Althusser’s view, the education system is an important ISA and it performs two important functions. Firstly, it reproduces class inequality by transmitting it from generation to generation, by failing each successive generation of working class pupils in turn, as mentioned in Item A. secondly; it legitimates class inequality by producing ideologies that disguise its true cause. The function of ideology is to persuade workers to accept that inequality is inevitable and that they deserve their subordinate position in society. If they accept these ideas, they are less likely to challenge or threaten capitalism, as mentioned in Item A. Other Marxists such as Bowles and Gintis develop these ideas further. They argue that capitalism requires a workforce with the kind of attitudes, behaviour and personality type suited to their role as alternated and exploited workers willing to accept hard work, low pay and orders from above. In this view, the role of the education system in capitalist society is to reproduce an obedient workforce that will accept inequality as inevitable. From their own studies of 237 New York high school students and their findings of other studies, Bowles and Gintis concluded that schools reward precisely the kind of personality traits that make for a submissive, complaint worker. For instance, they found that students who showed independence and creativity tended to gain low grades, while those who showed characteristics linked to obedience and discipline such as punctuality, tended to gain high grades. From this evidence they concluded that schooling helps to produce the obedient workers that capitalism needs. They do not believe that education fosters personal development. Rather, it stunts and distorts students’ developments. Bowles and Gintis argue that schooling takes place in ‘the long shadow of work’ i. e. work influences education, resulting in close parallels between schooling and work in capitalist society. Relationships and structures found in education mirror or correspond to those of work, hence known as the correspondence principle. For example, in school in a capitalist society reflects work in a capitalist society by distinguishing between the authority and where people fit in the hierarchy; the hierarchy in the school is with the head teacher at the top and then teacher and students and similarly in a workplace there is the head of company followed by department managers and workers. The correspondence principle is seen to operate through the hidden curriculum, which refers to all the things that students learn at school without being formally taught those things. For example, punctuality, conformity and obedience are taught through the hidden curriculum. This is different from the formal curriculum, which refers to the knowledge and skills pupils are taught explicitly in lessons such as math and science. The hidden curriculum therefore consists of ideas, beliefs, norms and values which are often taken for granted and transmitted as part of the normal routines and procedures of school life. Bowles and Gintis argue that it is through the hidden curriculum that the education system prepares us for our future as workers in capitalist society. Bowles and Gintis also argue that in order to prevent rebellion from those disadvantaged by the inequalities of capitalism, it is necessary to produce ideologies that explain and justify inequality as fair, natural and inevitable. If people think inequality is justified then they are less likely to challenge the capitalist system. According to Bowles and Gintis, the education system plays a key role in producing such ideologies. They describe the education system as a giant ‘myth making machine’ and focus on how education promotes the ‘myth of meritocracy’. Meritocracy refers to a system where everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve, where rewards are based on ability and effort. This means that those who gain the highest rewards and status deserve it because they are the most able and hardworking. Bowles and Gintis argue that meritocracy does not actually exist. Evidence showed that the main factor determining whether or not someone has a high income is their family and class background, not their ability or educational achievement. By distinguishing this fact, the myth of meritocracy serves to justify the privileges of the higher classes, making it seem that they gained them through open and fair competition at school. This helps persuade the working class to accept inequality as legitimate, and makes it less likely that they will seek to overthrow capitalism. The education system also justifies poverty, through what Bowles and Gintis describe as the ‘poor-and-dumb’ theory of failure. It does so by blaming poverty on the individual rather than blaming capitalism. It therefore plays an important part in reconciling workers to their exploited position, making them less likely to rebel against the system. All Marxists agree that capitalism cannot function without a workforce that is willing to accept exploitation. Likewise, all Marxists see education as reproducing and legitimating class inequality. That is, it ensures that working class pupils are slotted into and learn to accept jobs that are poorly paid and alienating. However, whereas Bowles and Gintis see education as a fairly straightforward process of indoctrination into the myth of meritocracy, Paul Willis’ study shows that working class pupils can resist such attempts to indoctrinate them. As a Marxist, Willis is interested in the way schooling serves capitalism. However, he combines this with an interactionist approach that focuses on the meanings pupils give to their situation and how these enable them to resist indoctrination. Through his study, Willis found that the lads (12 working class boys), form a distinct counter-culture opposed to the school. They are scornful of the conformist boys who they call the ear’oles. The lads find school boring and meaningless and they flout its rules and values, for example by smoking and drinking, disrupting classes and playing truant. These acts are a way of resisting school. They reject a ‘con’ the school’s meritocratic ideology that working class pupils can achieve middle class jobs through hard work. Willis notes the similarity between this anti school counter-culture and the shop floor culture of male manual workers. Both cultures see manual work as superior and intellectual ork as inferior and effeminate and this explains why they see themselves as superior both to girls and effeminate ear’oles to aspire to non manual jobs. Their resistance explains why they end up in these very jobs themselves- inferior in terms of pay and conditions- that capitalism needs someone to perform. For example, having been accustomed to boredom and to finding ways of amusing themselves in school, they don’t expect satisfaction from work and are good at finding diversions to cope with the tedium of unskilled labour. Marxist approaches are useful in exposing the myth of meritocracy. They show the role that education plays as an ideological state apparatus, serving the interests of capitalism by reproducing and legitimating class inequality. However, postmodernists criticise Bowles and Gintis’ correspondence principle on the grounds that today’s post-Fordist economy requires schools to produce a very different kind of labour force from the one described by Marxists. Postmodernists argue that education now reproduces diversity, not inequality. Marxists disagree with one another as to how reproduction and legitimation take place. Bowles and Gintis take a deterministic view. That is, they assume that pupils have no free will and passively accept indoctrination. This approach fails to explain why pupils ever reject the school’s values. By contrast, Willis rejects the view that school simply ‘brainwashes’ pupils into passively accepting their fate. By combining Marxists and interactionist approaches he shows how pupils may resist the school and yet how this still leads them into working class jobs. However, critics argue that Willis’ account of the lads romanticizes them, portraying them as working class heroes despite their anti social behaviour and sexist attitudes. His small scale study of only 12 boys in one school is also unlikely to be representative of other pupils’ experience and it would e risky to generalize his findings. Critical modernists such as Raymond Morrow and Carlos Torres criticise Marxists for taking a class first approach that sees class as the key inequality and ignores other all other kinds. Instead, like postmodernists, Morrow and Torres argue that society is now more diverse. They see non-class inequalities, such as ethnicity, gender and sexuality, as equally important. They argue that sociologists must explain how education reproduces and legitimates all forms of inequality, not just class, and how the different forms of inequality are inter-related. Feminists make a similar point. For example, as Madeleine Macdonald argues, Bowles and Gintis ignore the fact that schools reproduce not only capitalism, but patriarchy too as females are largely absent from Willis’ study. However, Willis’ work has stimulated a great deal of research into how education reproduces and legitimates other inequalities.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Lord of the flies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Lord of the flies - Essay Example Towards the end, the shell is crushed and this is used to show the lack of order. Piggy’s glasses are another important symbol in the story. Clearly, he is one of the most intelligent and rational boys in the novel. His glasses represent his intelligence and the important role that science plays in our lives. It is used to start the fire at the beginning of the novel that is meant to draw attention to them (Golding, 76). Later on, Jack’s group attacks Ralph’s group and they steal these glasses. This leaves the group fragile as they can no longer light a fire. The boys believe that there is a beast on the island. This imaginary beast shows the savage nature that is deep within all humans. Everybody is scared and the only person who realizes that the fear of the beast is within each of us and in reality it does not exist. As their level of animosity increase, so does their belief in the beast. Their behavior is what makes the beast a reality among

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Should the government protect American jobs by imposing stiff Essay

Should the government protect American jobs by imposing stiff penalties on companies that transfer jobs offshore by outsourcing or manufacturing in a different country - Essay Example The US companies have also taken advantage of this scenario to tap the resources available outside their geographical boundaries for which the operations of the US companies have been outsourced. The US companies have undertaken cost-benefit analysis and have taken strategic decisions in some cases to establish the productive units for manufacturing outside their own country. This has created shortage of employment opportunities for the people of US as more number of US companies started to create offshore jobs either by outsourcing or through foreign direct investments. This has led the US government to design policies for restoring the decline of American jobs for which huge penalties were imposed on the companies that were engaged in transferring job to the offshore industries either by outsourcing or through investments in the foreign economies. This paper argues the fact that the US government should not protect US jobs by imposing penalties on the US companies that are setting up manufacturing processes or outsourcing jobs to the foreign economies. The severalbenefits due to the activities of the US companies in undertaking the process of outsourcing business operations or engaging in the foreign direct investments and carrying out offshore manufacturing activities have been discussed as follows. The US companies which have either outsourced the business operations or set up manufacturing facilities in the foreign countries have been able to stimulate free exchange of economic resources between the countries in the international trade. This has supported the growth of free market and free trade in the global platform (Kehal and Singh 62). The setting up of manufacturing facilities and outsourcing of business operations has influenced the growth of competition in the foreign economies. This has led to the rise of competition in the international business context. The

Health of Ageing (SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health of Ageing (SLP) - Essay Example Another similar goal of the project is to make sure that high-risk benefactors do not go to a health facility once more. Likewise, the program makes its goal to file and document savings that are measurable for the benefit of the Medicare program (Kim, 2008). The participating organizations’ effectiveness will be measured according to the obligation of each of the organizations. There are the organizations responsible for providing intervention and prior services to prevent readmission hospitals. Other participants manage the communications between hospitals and the stakeholders. However, participants invite all health centers that experience high admission rates, to apply for the program (Lau, 2007). The program will excel in its objective due to the strategy its applying to fulfill them. The program tends to involve the people whom it’s targeting. The change that the program sets to achieve is also crucial and significant thus becomes part of the target population. The program also applies Information Technology as a support in the daily

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Persuasive Thesis- Convince the adult reader to agree with your Essay

Persuasive Thesis- Convince the adult reader to agree with your position on an issue you've recently debated. Work with your own ideas and experiences add no ou - Essay Example This enthusiasm is not shared by those of the religious right or the current presidential administration. This faction is opposed to embryonic stem cell research which they claim as immoral and characterize as devaluing human life, much the same as does abortion, drawing a link between the two. I suggest those who support federal funding of stem cell research are positioned on higher moral ground. Stem cells are basically the building block cells of a human being which are capable of becoming different types of tissue. The main objective for pursuing stem cell research is curing incapacitating ailments such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, spinal cord injuries, strokes and other various diseases. Embryonic stem cells possess the ability to restore defective or damaged tissues which would heal or regenerate organs which have been adversely affected by a degenerative disease. The moral dilemma that surrounds the prohibition of aborted fetuses is the idea of abortion itself. The Bush administration has made it very clear that it is opposed to legal abortions, in at least most circumstances, and has transferred this ideology to its prohibition of embryonic stem cell research. The concept of scientific study of the next stage of development, the fetus, which resulted from an abortion, is unthinkable. This ideology of the administration reflects the minority opinion which opposes abortion and also reflects the majority opinion that is opposed to aborted fetuses of consenting parents being used for experimentation. This reality has no basis in reason. Why would those who claim to be ‘pro-choice’ want to waste the aborted tissue? For that matter, why would pro-lifers want to witness what they believe is a living being tossed away in vain? At least its ‘life’ could have meant something to humanity in a very real way. Whatever moral or political position, the fact is, all these fetuses could have served

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ministere Public v Deserbais Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ministere Public v Deserbais - Essay Example The court’s ruling may lead to different interpretations of the judgment and it may raise more questions about the justice system. To avoid such conflicts after judgments, the courts ensure that they make judgments that can be backed up with factual scripts on the law. Cases that generate conflicts are normally those in which the land’s laws are not quite parallel to the provisions of the international laws. Whenever a nation signs an international treaty, the provisions of the treaty may directly affect the laws in the country. The policies of the treaty may dictate one thing while the land law calls for the direct opposite. It is also possible that the treaty may give provisions that are not allowed by the nation in question. There have been several cases that have fuelled heated debates in Europe over the past several decades. One of the most popular cases relating to such conflicts was the Case 286/86 Ministere Public v Deserbais [1988] ECR 4907. This paper will ana lyse the case between Ministere Public v Deserbais. Case analysis Gerard Deserbais was a director in a dairy products business that was playing in the German and French economies. Deserbais had registered his business under the name â€Å"Edam† in France. Edam was the name of the dairy products that the business man was importing to France from Germany. According to analysis done on the imported cheese from Germany, its fats content was 34.3%. Under the French legislation, the name â€Å"Edam† is restricted to cheese containing a minimum of 40% fats. According to the Stresa convention adopted in 1951, the dairy businessmen should only use specific names of their cheese if the cheese meets the required standards (Ministere Public v. Gerard Deserbais, 1988). Following the detection of Gerard Deserbais’ cunning business activities, the French authority arrested him and he was charged with the offence of using a restricted trade name without meeting the provisions o f the name in question. According to the French legislation, the Cheese was substandard and the business man had been swindling the public of the right to consumption of â€Å"Edam† cheese as provided by the name. The most controversial question was whether Deserbais was well acquainted with the provisions of the law in France or not, but in his defence, he suggested that he was well aware of the meaning of the trade name (Ministere Public v. Gerard Deserbais, 1988). The fact that he was ignorant about the French legislation made things worse for his defence. The court did not sympathise with him. Accusation Gerard Deserbais was accused of using a reserved trade name for his cheese in France. He was accused of criminal business activities on grounds that the name â€Å"Edam† was specifically reserved by the French law for cheese containing more than 40% fat. The French Legislation passed the law in 1951 and the trade name was specifically only used by traders whose pro ducts passed the test of the name’s requirements. Edam cheese was a dairy product that was very popular in Germany and it was 34% made of fats. This information about the content of the cheese was made known to the German public through a clear content list pinned to the cheese containers (Wolf, 1999). The basis of the accusations on Mr. Deserbais were controversial since the French legislation claimed that the use of the name was illegal for the substandard cheese products while in the EEC Treaty, which France was a member state, had an article that allowed the member states to import their products freely. Mr. Deserbais’s defence used Article 234 EEC as the backbone of their case.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Learning to Look Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning to Look - Essay Example This feature makes it be more attractive to youth who participates in various activities such as games. Secondly, the products come in various colors in order to satisfy the interests of diverse range of customers. Different customers prefer products that have been branded using specific colors. In order to satisfy all market segments, Pepsi Company has branded the products using ribbons of different colors. Third, the products have been packed using different masses. This is to cater for different age groups ranging from small children to adults. Fourth, the bottle surface is rough rather than smooth an aspect that would make it not to slip from the hands of the users. Lastly, the products have been presented in different forms. These include unflavored and flavored water. This makes the customer to select his/her choice of the product (MacRury 2009). Three principles of art are well represented in this advert. First, art principle that is represented is repetition. The name Aquafina has been repeated in all related products. This makes the products to be distinct. Secondly, an aspect of variety is seen through the advert. The company has advertised variety of the products in order to attract different parts of the customers. In addition, this is aimed at increasing the market size. Lastly, the principle of unity is also well presented. All products are presented in one magazine an aspect that creates a unifying factor towards the products. This plays a very great role in segmenting the market. The product being advertised is refreshment. It has been advertised in youth magazine as a result, the major target of the advert is the teenagers. The text accompanying the product is simple to understand an aspect that makes the readers understand the use of the product. The clear image characterizes the product as of high quality and healthy for human consumption. This would

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Soft Drinks Essay Example for Free

Soft Drinks Essay Soft drink consumption has increased substantially over the last 50 years and it has been established that using large amounts of soft drinks regularly can be detrimental to your health. If used in moderation soft drinks can have some beneficial effects on your body. Caffeine Benefits Caffeine is a stimulant that is found in soft drinks. It large amounts can have detrimental effects on your health but it also has numerous benefits. Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, helps breakdown fatty acids in your liver, boost your mood and alleviate headaches. People who regularly ingest caffeine are less likely to develop Parkinsons disease, colon cancer, gallstones, and cirrhosis of the liver. Sponsored Links 5 Foods you must not eat: Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 foods. Trimdownclub. com Carbonated Water Carbonated water is a primary ingredient of soft drinks. Carbonated water was created by Joseph Priestly in the year 1767 and has since proven to have many benefits for the gastrointestinal tract. Carbonated water eases stomachaches, quells nausea and has been proven to alleviate constipation. Sodium Benefits Sodium is another product found in soft drinks. Sodium is an important mineral found in almost all natural foods. Sodium helps your body retain water, helps avoid and treat muscle cramps, keeps electrolyte balance, prevents the effects of aging of your skin and prevents your the drop of your blood pressure. Sponsored Links Read more: http://www. livestrong. com/article/260283-what-are-the-benefits-of-soft-drinks.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cambridge Engineering Selector CES Computer Science Essay

Cambridge Engineering Selector CES Computer Science Essay In this particular assignment we are going to find the best material for a part of land-based gas turbine. For this research we are going to use the Cambridge Engineering Selector (CFS) software. We are going to find the manufacturing process. We are going to make a report by the help of CES software on eco-audit for the existing material and the material we choose. We have some information and data given by the company on the existing material. The component shows below is the part of the land-based gas turbine. j230comb Fig. 1 The part of land-based gas turbine It is made from Hastelloy X material which is a Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum alloy. It has excellent strength and oxidation resistance. Its approximate chemical composition is Ni 47%, Cr 22%, Fe 18%, Mo 9%, and Co 1.5%. It has a good ductility thats why it can be forged and can be cold-worked. So this material is good for welding. The component has 0.75 m in diameter, 10 mm in thickness and 200 mm of depth. The component is on service for 10 years and need to be replaced. The component need to be operates on some require condition i.e. temperatures up to 800oC, good thermal shock and corrosion resistance. It should be capable of being manufactured by casting. By using the CES software we have to specify the manufacturing process. And if require we have to do coating to achieve the heat and corrosion resistance. We have some more data given which is Minimum Tensile Strength 300MPa, Has to operate above 550oC, Maximum thermal expansion 15 ÃŽ ¼ strain/o C, Minimum Yield Strength 300MPa. Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) It is a software package which help designer to make decision over which materials and design process to use in the development of new equipment. We can use the CES software for general analysis and optimization applications by material universe data module. By the help of CES software we can design or redesign components with highest performance and lowest cost. CES software consists of three levels. Level 1 for Introductory-level students, providing introduction to the world of materials and processes and helping them to select the materials and processes with limited datasets of 67 materials and 75 processes. Level 2 for Intermediate-level students, providing the structured methodology for more materials and processes in the depth investigations with 98 materials and 107 processes with more information. Level 3 for Advanced/graduate students, providing the full materials and processes used in industry with added design notes with the vast selection of materials. In this particular level there are 3000 materials and more than 200 processes. CES software consists of the following main windows. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of cesmain windows of ces.jpg Fig. 2 CES main window Browse This window contains a list of the tables in the database and the classification tree for the selected table. Select This window is the central navigation point for selection projects, showing the selection settings, the project stages and the selection results. Search This window is used for text searches on records in the database. Graph Stage This window displays selection charts which show the relationships between attributes. Limit Stage This window is used to enter selection criteria as limits on individual attributes. Datasheet This window displays a list of attributes for individual records. There can be many of these on the screen at a time. As the requirement of the assignment, the company ask for the more efficient and economical material for the land-based gas turbine part. The part should be fulfilling the required properties and condition. For the particular material for the part of the land-based gas turbine, level three is reliable containing more than 3300 materials. In level three, by selection the select windows it will show the selection data. In selection data pane there is an option to select materials universe: all bulk materials. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of cesselestion atage all bulk materials.jpg Fig. 3 selection data pane (All bulk Materials) The selection Results contains a list of all of the records that have passed the selection stages. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of ces2945 materials.jpg Fig. 4 All bulk Materials Selection stage of CES 1. Selection with the TREE stage To create a new tree stage selects new tree stage from the select menu or the click the tree button. The tree stage properties will appear. For the project, the material for the part of land-based gas turbine should be metals and alloys, so insert it. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of cesfirst tree for metals and alloys.jpg Fig. 5 Tree stage (Metals and Alloys) In the Tree Stage window, for a single relationship, click the Show button. This opens the Cell Contents dialog, listing the names of records that fulfil the link selection criterion for the row. In the Cell Contents dialog, Click on a column heading to sort the list by record name C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of ces1607 materials.jpg Fig. 6 All Metals and Alloys By applying the condition of metals and alloys in this tree stage, it will show only the metals and alloys from all universe materials. 2. Selection by limit stage To create a limit stage, select new limit stage from select menu or click the limit button in the selection stages pane of the select window. A limit stage window will appear, and the stage will be listed in the selection stages pane. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of cesfirst limit.jpg Fig. 7 Limit selection stage Before we going to apply all the limits, lets check the requirements of the company. The company wants the part should be operate up to 800oC, so the maximum service temperature should be 800oC and it also require that it should be operate above 550oC so the minimum service temperature should be 550oC. The tensile strength and yield strength should be minimum 300 MPa. The Maximum thermal expansion should be not more than 15 ÃŽ ¼strain/ oC. However, the tensile strength and yield strength are mechanical properties and service temperature and thermal expansion are thermal properties of the material. Tensile strength: maximum load that a material can support without fracture when being stretched, divided by the original cross-sectional area of the material. Yield strength: The stress at the yield point. And the stress needed to produce a specified amount of plastic deformation. Thermal expansion: Increase in volume of a material as its temperature is increased, usually expressed as a fractional change in dimensions per unit temperature change. When the material is a solid, thermal expansion is usually described in terms of change in length, height, or thickness. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of cesapply limit mechanical properties.jpg Fig. 8 Applying Yield strength and Tensile strength C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of cesthermal limits.jpg Fig. 9 Applying service Temperature By applying the mechanical and thermal properties of material, it will show 171 materials which fulfil the conditions. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of ces171 materials.jpg Fig. 10 Metals and Alloys after applying mechanical and thermal properties Manufacturing process It is important to make the right manufacturing decisions early in the design process, before the cost-penalty of making changes becomes too high. The selection of the most appropriate manufacturing process of which there are a very large number is one such decision. Taking a broad view, a process is a method for shaping or finishing or joining a material (Esawi, 1997). The kingdom of processes contains broad families: casting, deformation, moulding, machining, compaction of powders, and such like. Each family contains many classes: casting contains sand-casting, die-casting, and investment casting, for instance. These in turn have many members: there are many variants of sand-casting, some specialized to give greater precision, others modified to allow exceptional size, and still others adapted to deal with specific materials. The land-based gas turbine should be capable of being manufactured by casting. By applying another tree stage for the manufacturing process in trees pane click on process universe and in shaping process, select the casting and insert it. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of cestree manufacturing process.jpg Fig. 11 Tree stage for manufacturing process After applying the casting limit to the materials selected, its eliminated all the materials which can be shaped by casting. There are only 67 materials left. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of ces67 materials after casting.jpg Fig. 12 Materials which can be shaped by casting As the company requirement the material should be half or less price than the original material. It is made of Hastelloy X material which is one the alloy of Ni-Cr alloy group. The Hastelloy X materials cost is 15.7- 17.3 GBP/kg. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of ceshastelloy x.jpg Fig. 13 Hastelloy X materials details By applying the graph for the price for the selected materials. The existing material price is 15.7- 17.3 GBP/kg and the requirement is the half and less than the existing price. By the help of the selection box its easy to eliminate the expensive materials from the graph. Selecting the materials from less than 9 GBP/kg by the help of selection box. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of cesprice graph.jpg Fig. 14 The bar chart of selected material with price After applying the condition of price, there are only 11 materials left. C:UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of ces11 materials.jpg Fig. 15 Materials selected after the condition of price Esawi, A. M. K. and Ashby M. F., Computer-Based Selection of Manufacturing Processes, Cambridge University Engineering Dept Report, CUED/C-EDC/TR50, May 1997.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Symbolism in The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams :: The Glass Menagerie Essays

In his drama, The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams uses symbolism in order to develop multi-faceted characters and to display the recurring themes of the play. These various symbols appear throughout the entire piece, and they are usually disguised as objects or imagery. They allow the reader to know the characters’ personalities, and their true inside characteristics. These symbols also add to the major themes, which develop as the play gains momentum. In the drama, symbols play the most important role. One of the most recurring symbols is the glass menagerie itself. It consists of glass animals frozen in form and it is housed at the Wingfield’s apartment. The glass menagerie has a high amount of meaning for all of the characters in this play. â€Å"Ultimately, the glass menagerie is symbolic of all their shattered dreams, failing to fulfill their transcendent aspirations, the Wingfields find themselves confined to a wasteland reality, their dreams become a ‘heap of broken images’'; (Thompson 15). Just as the menagerie itself is frozen in time, the Wingfields are also. They are restricted to the one way of living that they have practiced as time had passed, so they do not know how to break free of that confinement. All the characters as a whole have tried to escape the harsh reality, but in every case they manage to fail, and in turn shatter their dreams like glass. This continuing struggle is a large part of the major theme of The Glass Menagerie. Just as the glass menagerie represents all of the characters as a whole, it also represents each character individually. â€Å"Though the glass menagerie is most directly relevant to Laura, all four characters have sublimated their animal drives into esthetics. Laura has her glass animals, Tom his movies and poems, Amanda her jonquil-filled memories distorted into hopes, and Jim his baritone cliches of progress'; (Cohn 101). Though Amanda blames her children alone for relying on false illusions, she too carries this fault. Although it is obvious that the glass menagerie represents Laura because of her frailty, Tom, Amanda, and even Jim are exemplified too. They all concentrate their powers in illusions, only in different ways. More specifically, the glass menagerie unravels the character of Laura and lets the reader into her true personality. The glass menagerie â€Å"embodies the fragility of Laura’s world, her search for beauty; it registers sensitively changes in lighting and stands in vivid contrast to the harshness of the outer world which can (and does) shatter so easily'; (Stein 110-111).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sir Francis Bacon :: essays research papers fc

Sir Francis Bacon   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir Francis Bacon was born January 22, 1561. He died April 9, 1626. He was an English essayist, lawyer, statesman, and philosopher . He had a major influence on the philosophy of science. When he was 12 years old, he began studies at Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1576 he entered Gray's Inn to pursue a career in law. He was first elected in 1584. Bacon's opposition to royal tax measures would probably have brought an end to his political advancement, but he had the support of the Earl of Essex, whose prosecution for treason he later managed. He was knighted in 1603 after the succession of James I. Bacon and he became solicitor-general in 1609, attorney-general in 1613, lord keeper of the great seal in 1617, and lord chancellor in 1618; he was also created Baron of Verulam I 1618, and Viscount St. Albans in 1621. Bacon retained James's favor by steadfast defense of royal prerogative, but in 1621 he was found guilty of accepting bribes and was removed from his office. Retiring to Gorhambury, he devoted himself to writing and scientific work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Philosophically, Bacon wrote marks such as the Instauratio Magna (Great Restoration), setting forth his concepts for the restoration of humankind to mastery over nature. It was intended to contain six parts: first a classification of sciences; second a new inductive logic; third a gathering of empirical and experimental facts; fourth examples to show the effectiveness of his new approach; fifth generalization derivable from natural history; and a new philosophy that would be a complete science of nature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bacon completed only two parts, however, the Advancement of Learning in 1605, later expanded as De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum (On the Dignity and Growth of Sciences, 1620); and the Novum Organum (The New Organon, 1620), which was to replace Aristotle's Organon. Sciences were under the general headings of history, poetry, and philosophy. Their culmination was an inductive philosophy of nature, in which proposed to find the natural laws, of bodily action. To this end, he devised so-called tables of induction designed to discover such forms with the goal of mastery over nature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although Bacon was not a great scientist, he gave impetus to the development of modern inductive science.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Negative Impact of the Media on Children and Adolescents Essay

Day in and day out an in-numerous amount of Americans lounge in their comfort chairs with snacks, drinks, and a remote in hand watching the next great television series. Some American’s, however, enjoy watching the daily news report before work, school, or starting there day. The hope to receive the latest events, weather, and sports scores for the big games is welded in the minds of these individuals. The Media’s influence has increased in size as the development of technology rapidly goes up. With the invention of the radio, newspaper, television, and internet it is almost impossible to escape the grasp of the media’s influence. More importantly technology and media has affected the younger generation more severely, as now it is almost impossible to tell a teenager to turn the television off or stop listening to that music. The Media’s increasing influence has become a part of everyday teenage life, and the teenager and media have become inseparable. The role of media is to create idols, and images that people want to become more like. The media controls the amount of violence filtered and viewed by consumers, as well as the amount of attention certain celebrities get, and depending on the amount of attention results in whom the generation mimics. This magnitude of influence brings reasonable cause to worry as this generation is our future leaders. The Belief that media uses its influence positively not having a negative effect on the younger generations is not only a false notion but also media purposely uses its influence for wrong doing. It is important to notice that everything done by an individual is influenced by what that person witnessed and experienced. One of the most influential sources today is television. There are... ...s of all time. After the release of this video game the volunteer rate more than doubled. Works Cited Bess, Marcus. "Physical Activity interventions using mass media, print media, and information technology." American Journal of Preventive Medicine (1998): 362-378. Print. Browne, Kevin. "The influence of violence media on children and adolescents a public- health approah." I Review (2004). web. Steele, Jeanne. "Adolescent room culture: Studying media in the context of everyday life." SpringerLink (1995): 551-576. print. Watson, N. A. "Filthy or Fasionable? Young People's perceptions of smoking in the media." Oxford Journals (2002): 554-567. print. Wilson, Corliss. "A content Analysis of Health an d physical activity messages marketed to african American Children During After-School Television Programming." Jama Pediatrics (2006). print.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Black man and white women Essay

Black man and white women in dark green row boat The story â€Å"Black Man and White Women in Dark Green Rowboat†, written by Russell Banks, is about an interracial relationship on the brink of disaster. The story opens up on an extremely hot day in August at a trailer park that is right next to a lake with a variety of people who live there. I was not immediately aware that the black man and the white woman were the focus of the story, but those characters gradually emerged and that’s when things started to get interesting. It becomes very obvious that white women want to control everything in the relationship and doesn’t iew the black man as an equal partner. Before they meet at the beach, the white women walks up in her bikini holding her towel, fashion magazine, and tanning lotion with her blonde hair swinging side to side. I automatically start to view her as an egotistical person. When the white women encounters the black man at the beach, she helps him push the boat to the water, but instead of helping him push the boat all the way from shore, she hops in it before her feet had even got wet. He was left to not only push the boat himself, rolling his pant legs up, but also pushing her in it as well. While he is rowing the boat he realizes he didn’t bring a hat and he is sweating. He wraps his shirt around his head and she explains to him that he looks like a sheik and a galley slave. To me this shows how she thinks of him as her own romanticized slave that she can control. She even reassures him that she was not kidding by saying â€Å"no really. Honestly’. (68). The man continues to row and she says she’s starting to put on weight and then she tells the man that she told her mother about them and their situation, but she never looked at him when she was talking to him. Her eyes were closed and directed oward the sun. She isn’t treating him like she cares; she is Just caring on with her sun bathing. Then she tells him that she is going to have an abortion that afternoon. She does this without even asking the man if that’s what he wants to do. Even after he expresses hatred towards the situation and basically tells her he wants her to keep the baby she doesn’t listen. She Just insists that everything will return to normal when it’s done. He asks her what happened and she brushes the question off and explains her mother is 0k with him. You can tell he cares about her mother’s opinion f him as he wants the reassurance that her mother actually likes him. The woman explains her mother Just thinks she is fragile from depression. Honestly I feel like the women had had other abortions and Just didn’t want to be honest with the man. After some time had passed, the woman asks him how long he was going to fish. He tells her about an hour and offers to row her to a swimming spot if she would rather swim. She turns down the offer and makes appoint to mention the fact that she has to be back in time to make it to her abortion later that afternoon; again aking it known she is making this decision on ner own. The women sta rts looking through her magazine while the man continued for a few more casts then he finally gave up and said, â€Å"No sense fishing when the fish ain’t feeding. The whole point is catching fish, right? † (71). This is the man’s turning point. I think he realized that the relationship he was in was kind of like fishing, there was no point in him being with her if she didn’t want to move on to the next level. Before rowing back into shore, he said he wished he could Just leave here there. She gets very nervous when he said hat and tells him they have to go back. That’s when the man decided that it was time to move on with his life and he said, â€Å"You mean, you have to go back. † (71). He rows back and all the people are carrying on like they were before except now things are changing for them. The White woman goes with her towel and magazine to have her abortion and back to living with her mother, while the Black man goes on his own separate way while watching the women leave.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Christmas Carol Text Repsonse Essay

â€Å"In A Christmas Carol, Dickens delivers strong criticisms of the society in which he lives. Discuss† A Christmas Carol written by one of the most influential social reform novelists of the nineteenth century, Charles Dickens, delivers very harsh criticisms of Victorian London. Dickens presents these criticisms through the behaviour of the novella’s protagonist, Ebenezer Scrooge. His character displays everything that Dickens perceives as being wrong in Victorian society. His treatment of the poor and destitute, the treatment of his employee Bob Crachit and the weak relationships he keeps with family are all indirect criticisms by the renowned author, Dickens. The poor in Victorian London were left in very poor living conditions, and were essentially ignored by the upper class. There was a huge segregation between the lower class and upper class. Dickens implies that those with excessive wealth and power had a responsibility to take care of those less fortunate than themselves. This idea is explored between the relationship of Scrooge and his clerk, Bob Crachit. Scrooge is completely ignorant of his responsibilities and duties to Crachit. When asked what donations Scrooge would like to give to the poor, he simply states â€Å"Nothing!†. This shows that Scrooge (and the upper class society) simply have no compassion or consideration for the poor living below them. The children ignorance and want are an addition by dickens to send a simple message, to help out those in want, and beware of ignorance in oneself and others. The main protagonist of the story, Ebenezer Scrooge embodies the worst qualities of Victorian society. Obsessed with accumulating wealth and with no concern for his beleaguered employee, Scrooge is an allegorical representation of the forces of capitalism driving the industrial economy at the time. The treatment of loved ones and relationships are key in A Christmas Carol. The main relationship emphasized by Dickens is the relationship between Scrooge and his nephew, Fred. Scrooge does not even slightly value his  relationship with Fred. He refuses any affection or invitations given by Fred, shows no interest in Fred’s life and does not show any remorse towards these actions. This is also a criticism by Dickens. He is implying that the excessive and overbearing need for wealth and power ruin the relationships shared between people. In Scrooge, this is not only shown through his lack of a relationship with Fred, but also with his relationship with Belle, and ultimately its downfall. The festive and face value of A Christmas Carol provides an entertaining and light-hearted story for readers. However, beneath this heart-warming transformation of a character there are strong criticisms of Victorian society delivered by Dickens. He criticizes the way that the poor are left to fend for themselves in terrible conditions, the way the poor are treated by the upper class tear of society, and through the use of weak value placed relationships with family and friends during the time. Dickens novella was intended to point out the flaws in the society in which he lived and make it’s readers aware and cautious of these near fatal traits.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Ethics – Moral Principles

The term ethics is defined as a system of moral principles. When incorporating ethics with business it is extremely difficult to determine what is considered moral or immoral, as well as what is judged as justice in society. One viewpoint on this topic opposes justice can be compatible with business. The other viewpoint believes there is a line that draws between good and bad; it really depends upon the motive of the action. Is business ethics possible in our present day society? Matigari, a short story written by Ngugi wa Thiong’o, shows it is evident that Ngugi was trying to make it clear that ethics would be impossible in a democratic society. The main character in the story, whose name is Matigari, is continuously searching for truth and justice. â€Å"My friends! Can you tell me where a person could find truth and justice in this country? † (Ngugu, 1989) were his exact words when approaching people. The crowds would all look at him as if he were speaking nonsense. Matigari feels as though the democratic world in which he is living was created upside down. The builder sleeps in the open, the worker is left empty-handed, the tailor goes naked, and the tiller goes to sleep on an empty stomach† (Ngugu, 1989). He wonders where truth and justice lies in this world; for even those who farm are starving. His search leads him to a meeting called by the Minister for Truth and Justice. The real truth can be found within the oppressed. He had bui lt his own home, yet it was still taken away from him; it is a clear example of a capitalist private property. Matigari favours the labour theory of property, which gives labourers the right to own their own land. It is clearly not ethical to take one’s land away in which he or she worked upon. It is evident Matigari believes in the labour theory of property; whereas the government enforces a capitalist private property. The labour theory of property is a natural law theory that holds that property originally comes about by the person doing the labour upon natural resources. Land in its original state would be considered not owned by anyone, but if someone were to apply his or her labour to the land it would become their property. On the other hand, private property is central to capitalism (Samuels, 2002). Under capitalism, private hands control basic assets and productive resources. The major economic decisions are made by individuals or groups acting upon their own pursuit of profit. This is what the government has done; they have created the society into private property. For this reason, Matigari has declared for the labour theory of property to be sought out. The Kantian ethics believes all moral duties, maxims, or certain rules of conduct can be labelled either wrong or right. Act only on that maxim which you can will to be a universal law† (Macmillan, 1972). The universal law is fundamental. What is considered part of this universal conduct should be clear to everyone throughout the world. For example, rules that allow murder and cheating etc. cannot be part of the moral code. However, rules such as do not commit murder can be classified as a moral duty. Kant states one should only follow princip als that are morally correct. Moral rules are those that can be followed by people consistently throughout the world, no matter where one lives. Furthermore, the reward of virtue is not happiness but dignity and freedom (Macmillan, 1972). Kant tries to explain that when one is righteous and true, happiness is not the given prize, but one would receive self-respect and liberty instead. Real freedom means obeying no laws but only those that can be legislated as universal moral laws. Both viewpoints touch upon the topic of fear when it comes to ethics. â€Å"There is too much fear in this country†¦ Too much fear breeds misery in the land† (Ngugu, 1989). This so called fear in the story, Matigari, tries to explain that fear causes a society to become unjust. If everyone was too afraid to confront someone in which he or she were doing something unmerited then this injustice will continue. The democratic government is used as an example in the short story. All the citizens are too afraid to stand up to the prejudiced government; therefore, no changes were made until Matigari had no anxiety and fear of the government. In addition, the opposing viewpoint also speaks of fear in a society; although it is not exactly the same. No one ever obeys laws because they are scared but because one is morally trying to follow the universal moral laws. Freedom and fear cannot coincide when trying to make moral decisions. The Kantian viewpoint is one that is more comprehendible than the viewpoint found in the short story Matigari. It is agreeable that one can find ethics in business. A universal moral law is one that is shared throughout the world and would be agreed upon by all people from all nations. Due to the fact that there are many different cultures there is a â€Å"golden rule† to be found in all the great religions (Macmillan, 972). The golden rule is part of the moral code of anything that is judged as a moral principle. Being agreeable in all religions and cultures it would definitely be ethical to follow these rules of moral conduct. Such rules such as â€Å"thou shall not kill† (Lintin, 1999) can be found in the bible; it is part of the moral code. It is like an unwritten rule that everyone on this earth can understand that it is wrong to murder a human being. To a certain extent there is such thing as ethics when it comes to business and how a society should be run.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cloud Computing Now and the Future Essay

The use of cloud computing creates a growing interdependence among both public and private sector entities and the individuals served by these entities. This paper provides a snapshot of the advantages of cloud computing and the risk areas specific to cloud services which clients of cloud services should be aware of. The future of cloud computing is certainly exciting, but moving more of our lives online means we will inevitably have to consider the consequences. Cloud computing means dependence on others and that could limit our privacy because of policies to access our information, security could be a big issue and large companies like Amazon and Google could monopolize the market. The cloud is a metaphor for the space on the internet that can store your data, as well as applications to manipulate data. It is not clear when the term cloud computing was first coined. For example, Bartholomew (2009), Bogatin (2006) and several others suggested that ‘cloud computing’ term inology was perhaps first coined by Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt in 2006. Kaufman (2009: 61) suggests that cloud computing terminology ‘originates from the telecommunications world of the 1990s, when providers began using virtual private network (VPN) services for data communication’. There is however, agreement on the definition of cloud computing. The National Institute of Standards and Technology defines cloud computing as a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction (Mell 2009: 9). A computer’s operating system, data and applications are typically installed and stored in the ‘traditional’ computer environment. In a cloud computing environment, individuals and businesses work with applications and data stored and/or maintained on shared machines in a web-based environment rather than physically located in the home of a user or a corporate environment. Lew Tucker, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Cloud Computing at Sun Microsystems, explained that cloud computing is ‘the movement of application services onto the internet and the increased use of the internet to access a wide variety of services traditionally originating from within a company’s data center’ (Creeger 2009: 52). For example, web-based applications such as Google’s Gmailâ„ ¢ can be accessed in real time from an Internet-connected machine anywhere in the world. Cloud computing provides an online environment that is scalable which facilitates the ability to handle an increased volume of work without impacting on the performance of the system. The Cloud also offers significant computing capability and economy of scale that might not otherwise be affordable to businesses, especially small and medium size companies that may not have the financial and human resources to invest in IT infrastructure. Advantages include capital costs and running costs. Companies can leverage the use of large scale resources from cloud service providers and ‘add or remove capacity from their IT infrastructure to meet peak or fluctuating service demands while paying only for the actual capacity used’ (Sotomayor et. Al. 2009: 14) on a ‘pay-as-you-go’ economic model. It can also be significantly cheaper to rent added server space for a few hours at a time rather than maintain your own servers. Rental prices for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), for example, are between US$0.020 and $2.970 per hour in Oregon as an example. Pay only for what you use. There is no minimum fee. On-Demand Instances let you pay for compute capacity by the hour with no long-term commitments. As you can see in the above example the selected usage is 100 hours per month of On-Demand Instances, 10 reserved instances and 1000 GB of storage for 50 IOPS and 100 Snapshot storages. The monthly cost for this company would be $1449.41 per month. This could be much more cost affective for a company than buying the hardware and storing the information themselves. The only question is, how safe is this information that is being stored? The risk of cloud computing could be the security of the information being stored by a large company like Amazon. It is still unclear how safe out-sourced data is and when using these services ownership of data is not always clear. In a study done in 2009, a team of computer scientists from the University of California, San Diego and Massachusetts Institute of Technology examined the widely-used Amazon EC2 services. They found that ‘it is possible to map the internal cloud infrastructure, identify where a particular target VM is likely to reside, and then instantiate new VMs until one is placed co-resident with the target’ (Ristenpart et al. 2009: 199). This demonstrated that the research team was able to load their eavesdropping software onto the same servers hosting targeted websites (Hardesty 2009). By identifying the target VMs, attackers can potentially monitor the cache (a small allotment of high-speed memory used to store frequently-used information) in order to steal data hosted on the same physical machine (Hardesty 2009). Such an attack is also known as side-channel attack. The findings of this research may only be a proof-of-concept at this stage, but it raises concerns about the possibility of cloud computing servers being a central point of vulnerability that can be criminally exploited. The cloud service providers establish the privacy policies to the companies that do business with them. The businesses are faced with their own privacy and confidentiality being determined by the terms of the cloud service providers. Failure to comply with data protection legislation may lead to administrative, civil and criminal sanctions. Data confidentiality and privacy ‘risks may be magnified when the cloud provider has reserved the right to change its terms at will’ (Gellman 2009: 6). Some cloud service providers argue that such juridical issues may be capable of resolution contractually via SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and the like. Clients using cloud services could include clauses in their SLAs that indicate the law governing the SLA, the choice of the competent court in case of disputes arising from the interpretation and the execution of the contract. The Cloud Security Alliance (2009: 28) also suggested that clients of cloud services should require their providers ‘to deliver a comprehensive list of the regulations and statutes that govern the site and associated services and how compliance with these items is executed’. Businesses should ensure that SLAs and other legally-binding contractual arrangements with cloud service providers comply with the applicable regulatory obligations (eg privacy laws) and industry standards, as the may be liable for breaching these regulations even when the data being breached is held or processed by the cloud service provider. Determining the law of the jurisdiction in which the SLA is held is an important issue. It may not, however, be as simple as examining the contractual laws that govern the operations of cloud service providers to determine which jurisdiction’s laws apply in any particular case. Gellman (2009: 19) pointed out that ‘[t]he user may be unaware of the existence of a second-degree provider or the actual location of the user’s data†¦[and] it may be impossible for a casual user to know in advance or with certainty which jurisdiction’s law actually applies to information entrusted to a cloud provider’. Businesses should continue to conduct due diligence on cloud service providers, have a comprehensive compliance framework and ensure that protocols are in place to continuously monitor and manage cloud service providers, offshore vendors and their associated outsourcing relationships. This would ensure businesses have a detailed understanding of the data storage information to maintain some degree of oversight and ensure that an acceptable authentication and access mechanism is in place to meet their privacy and confidentiality needs. This would also ensure a higher consumer confidence level in the entire cloud computing industry. The future looks bright for cloud computing. Last summer Google made a very large investment in bringing Google Fiber to Kansas City, broadband internet that is 100 times faster than what we currently have today. Faster internet speeds means larger files can be stored and downloaded from the cloud. Netflix says, ‘It’s the most consistently fast ISP in America.’ Analysts from BTIG Research visited Kansas City last month and were â€Å"blown away,† by the service (Jeff Saginor 2012: 1). But at it’s heart, ‘Google’s attempt at being its own ISP is much more about forcing the entrenched service providers –the Verizon’s and Time Warner’s and AT&T’s of this world – to step up their games than it is about making this particular business a raving financial success’. Saginor goes on to say, ‘When I asked the Google spokeswoman what the ultimate goal of all this was, she replied that Google wants â€Å"to make the web better and faster for all users.† The implication is that they don’t want to just do it all themselves’. Cloud computing means dependence on others and that could limit our privacy because of policies to access our information, security could be a big issue an d large companies like Amazon and Google could monopolize the market. The Cloud provides an online environment that is scalable which facilitates the ability to handle an increased volume of work without impacting on the performance of the system. The risk of the cloud could be the security of the information being stored by a large company. It is still unclear how safe out-sourced data is and when using these services ownership of data is not always clear. Businesses should continue to conduct due diligence on cloud service providers, have a comprehensive compliance framework and ensure that protocols are in place to continuously monitor and manage cloud service providers, offshore vendors and their associated outsourcing relationships. The future of cloud computing is certainly exciting, but moving more of our lives online means we will inevitably have to consider privacy, security and ownership of the information. References Amazon Web Services http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/ Creeger M 2009. CTO roundtable: Cloud computing. Communications of the ACM 52(8): Bartholomew D 2009. Cloud rains opportunities for software developers. Dice 29 May. http://career-resources.dice.com/articles/content/entry/cloud_rains_opportunities_for_software Bogatin D 2006. Google CEO’s new paradigm: ‘Cloud computing and advertising go hand-inhand’ Zdnet 23 April. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/micro-markets/google-ceos-new-paradigmcloud-computing-and-advertising-go-hand-inhand/ Cloud Security Alliance 2009. Security guidance for critical areas of focus in cloud computing V2.1. http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/csaguide.pdf Gellman R 2009. Privacy in the clouds: Risks to privacy and confidentiality from cloud computing. http://www.worldprivacyforum.org/pdf/WPF_Cloud_Privacy_Report.pdf Hardesty L 2009. Secure computers aren’t so secure MIT press release 30 October. http://www.physorg.com/news176197396.html Jeff Saginor 2012. What does Google get from supercharging Kansas City’s Internet? http://www.digitaltrends.com/opinion-wh-google-will-never-take-its-fiber-national/ Kaufman LM 2009. Data security in the world of cloud computing. IEEE Security & Privacy July/August: 61-64 Mell P 2009. Effectively and securely using the cloud computing paradigm. http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SNS/cloud-computing/cloudcomputing- Ristenpart T, Tromer E, Shacham H & Savage S 2009. Hey, you, get off my cloud: Exploring information leakage in third-party compute clouds, in proceedings of the 16th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, 07. New Your, NY: ACM Press: 199-212 Sotomayor B, Montero RS, Llorente IM & Foster I 2009. Virtual infrastructure management in private and hybrid clouds. IEEE Internet Computing 13(5): 14-22 Mark D. Bowles (2010). Introduction to Computer Literacy. Retrieved from chapter’s six and seven. (Awl, 2009, p. 52)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Athlete and (a type of supplement) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Athlete and (a type of supplement) - Essay Example The study aimed to asses the effect of these on strength, body composition, and plasma glutamine levels during a 10 week, supervised resistance training program. The results revealed that there was no change in plasma glutamine levels in either group. The group, which received whey isolate, showed a significantly greater gain in lean mass, change in fat mass and improvements in strength, when compared to the group, which received casein. Burke et al., 2001, assessed the muscular adaptations, which occurred in 36 males randomly assigned to supplementation with whey protein alone, whey protein and creatine monohydrate, or placebo. The results indicated that the group, which supplemented with whey protein, had greater improvement in knee extension peak torque and lean tissue mass than those who trained with placebo. Those who supplemented with a combination of whey protein and creatine had greater increases in lean tissue mass and bench press than those who supplemented with only whey protein or placebo. However, it was noted that not all strength measures were improved with supplementation; the group who supplemented with creatine and/or whey protein and the placebo group had similar increases in squat strength and knee flexion peak torque. Cribb et al., 2007, aimed to examine the effects of whey protein (WP) and creatine monohydrate (CrM) (both separately and in combination), on body composition, muscle strength, fiber-specific hypertrophy (i.e., type I, IIa, IIx), and contractile protein accrual during a 11-week structured, supervised RE program. This was a double-blind randomized study involving resistance-trained males placed into one of the four groups: creatine/carbohydrate (CrCHO), creatine/whey protein (CrWP), whey protein (WP) only, or carbohydrate only (CHO). Assessments (completed the week before and after the RE program) included strength (1RM, three exercises), body composition (DEXA), and vastus lateralis

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bacteria cross contaminants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Bacteria cross contaminants - Essay Example After 24 hours of growth on both MacConkey and r2a plate, small growth was observed in all the samples. Similarly after 48 hours, large colonies were observed on both media for samples ec1 and ec2 but this was relatively higher on ec5 and ec 6.After undertaking Gram staining, it was observed that all the samples on both media had Gram positive bacteria. Catalase test indicated positive results on all the samples. According to the result findings, the most probable bacteria identified were all cocci, bacilli, and spirilla. Besides, sample ec5 and ec 6 seems to have high levels of cross contamination. These tests have been explored in the next section. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background By definition, Cross contamination is the transfer or physical movement of bacteria that are harmful from one place, person or object to another. It is a major factor which contributes to food poisoning, and it consists of 4 common sources that include people, work surfaces, food and equipment. Harm ful bacteria live in or can be on our bodies, particularly around or on hands and faces as well as on clothing (McKillip, 2011). Due to the fact that they exist in small numbers they never cause a disease. If it happens that, there is a transfer of these bacteria from the clothes or bodies to food, and then given a chance to multiply, it can lead to food becoming unsafe to be eaten. Bacteria have the ability to multiply and live in any crevices and cracks in equipment including the chopping boards surface cuts. After using the equipment, food bits with bacteria can remain. If there is no proper cleaning of the equipment, there will be transfer of bacteria to another food when it is used next. Surfaces including bench tops might have bacteria on them as a result of contact with people, also dirty equipment, raw foods or other things like cartons stored on the floor can contribute. If there is no proper cleaning of bench tops, there might be bacterial contamination of any food that is placed on them. The main objective of the study was to ascertain the level of cross-contamination during cleaning in an office environment 1.2 Main Concepts and Theory Cross contamination is a major factor which contributes to food poisoning. The contaminants (Bacteria) can be transferred from the clothes or bodies to food, and then when given a chance to multiply, it can lead to food becoming unsafe to be eaten. Bacteria have the ability to multiply and live in any crevices and cracks in equipment including the chopping boards surface cuts. Most of these contaminants are harmful to humans and can cause diseases when they enter the body. 1.3 Objective of Research To determine the level of cross-contamination during cleaning in the office environment 1.4 Structure of dissertation. The dissertation is divided into 6 sections; first section covers the background of the main concept explored in the study, second section explores literature review on methods and type of bacteria found i n the study, this enabled the understanding of the available methods that have been ever done successfully then borrowed the idea to the current study. It also allowed the understanding of the characteristics of various bacteria applicable to the study so that the information got can assist in the classifying and identifying the bacteria found

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Safety management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Safety management - Essay Example Moreover, drums that have been made with non-combustible and absorbent materials such as vermiculite are recommended to avoid any cases of leakage. The drum should therefore undergo thorough sealing. It should then be labeled DANGER CHEMICAL PCB WASTE and should be written in English or the understood language. PCB containers are not supposed to be stacked and should be well secured from any form of insecurity. Firefighting materials should also be ready in case of any fire. Upon disposal, the PCB materials should undergo incineration of temperatures above 1,100Â °C. In addition, there should be a mean radiance of 2 seconds with minimum access to oxygen content of 3%. After decontamination, the excavator should be removed from the site by a fork lift that should be positioned away from the contaminated building. Using the fork lift, the excavator should be lifted and transported to the necessary site where further decontamination process should be carried on to ensure zero tolerance of contamination. Published under the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap.354) Section 35. (2014). CODE OF PRACTICE ON THE HANDLING, TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL WASTE. Environmental Protection Department Hong Kong,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Management and Organizational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management and Organizational Behaviour - Essay Example According to Mullins, "Organisational behaviour does not encompass the whole of management; it is more accurately described in the narrower interpretation of providing a behavioural approach to management" (Mullins, 1993, p.2). rganizational behaviour includes people behaviour, management processes, organizational context and processes, and the influence of external environment. The term "behaviour science" is used to explain "a selective, interdisciplinary approach to the study of human behaviour" (Mullins, 1993, p.2-3). The main disciplines, which help to explain the nature of organizations and human behaviour, are psychology, anthropology and sociology. 2. An organization can be considered as a single system. Organizational factors are interdependent, and "cannot be studied in isolation" (Mullins, 1993, p.2). The main headings include the individual, the group, the organization and the environment. The individual can be seen in isolation or as a part of a group, "in response to expectations of organization" or environmental influences (Mullins, 1993, p.3). For the college under analysis, an individual represents by a student and a teacher, a managerial staff member, etc. An important aspect of the study of organizations is the study of people -behaviour in groups. This can give indications of why certain groups are effective and others are not. Group members in an organization will have one or more goals in common, such as students groups, teaching and management staff. Communication is essential within each group and members of a group have roles to play in order to achieve the group task. Expected behaviour patterns are developed within each group and these are referred to as norms. The organization is the basic framework within which individuals and groups behaviour occur. A college itself represents a formal structure of organization within which individuals and groups interact in order to reach the common goal. The quality and nature of the decisions made are influence by the nature of the structure. The environment contains a range of influences that affect an organization. They include: socio-demographic, technological, economic and political factors. In general, the environment of the eastern European countries can be characterized as economically unstable and backward in contrast to leading European countries. For this reason, to stress the importance of how the college is positioned with respect to its environment is necessary. 3. An open-system view recognizes that the social system is in a dynamic relationship with its environment, whereby inputs are received, transformed and outputs are passed on. Morgan in "Images of Organization" (1986 cited Mullins 1993, pp.6-7) singles out "contrasting metaphors" which help to understand organizational behaviour. They include: machines, organisms, brains, cultures, political systems, psychic prisons, flux and transformation, instruments of dominance. According to Morgan "viewing organisations as machines can provide the basis for efficient operation in a routine, reliable and predictable way". The college structure can be viewed as a bureaucratic structure which consists of parts that managed in accordance with changing environment. Organisms mean leaving systems which are able to adapt changes of rapidly changing environment. The college structure is a flexible system which reacts on changes and adapts

What is information technology How is it changing our working lives Essay

What is information technology How is it changing our working lives - Essay Example sts that Information Technology is here and it will stay on for a very long period of time, until it gets replaced by some other advanced technology in the times to come (Wehn 1998). What is most important to decipher on the part of a world citizen is that Information Technology has played such a vital role in changing the lives of the people that it is almost impossible to negate the positives which have been brought about with the passage of time. Also what could be expected from Information Technology in the future remains a mystery because the marvels embedded within the domains of the same remain to be seen in the times to follow. Information Technology is an enabling force because it makes people think of the possibilities and eventualities that can arise from its incorporation within the systems and procedures of the present times. The manner in which Information Technology has come about as a facilitating agent has made even the staunchest critics realize that its due role is immense and Information Technology will be able to pave the way between the link that remains in a person’s needs and his desires. The gadgets, electrical appliances, cell phones, laptops, etc are all the marvels of Information Technology and many other things are also bracketed under the same heading (Wulf 1995). Information Technology makes use of the communication mechanisms that are there amongst the people and their desires so that their most potent needs could be fulfilled in the most feasible manner. If these needs are not properly addressed, there is enough room to make amends so that the ranks of Information Technology are taken care of in the most apt manner possible. Also what summarizes the debate of Information Technology stems from the fact what researchers have been able to devise with the passage of time and what they expect from the same in the times to come (Diwan 2002). These researchers and scientists believe that Information Technology is a force that will

Monday, September 9, 2019

What you should know and consider in order to make a wise decision Essay

What you should know and consider in order to make a wise decision about how to assist someone in deciding whether or not to commit medical suicide - Essay Example nt example is that of Phillip Nitschke, an Australian medical practitioner who had his practicing license retrieved for his involvement in a case where the patient who had sought for information from him went ahead and committed suicide. The email conversation was used to convict him. This essay will therefore establish the ethical issues in assisted medical suicide as supported by given philosophical theories. Personal liberty defenders have been at the forefront claiming that one should be allowed to end their lives any time they want. In some cases one may be subjected to too much pain especially in terminal diseases such as cancer that they consider ending their lives. A good case is of Mathew Donelly who had worked in an x-ray laboratory for the better part of his life. He later got caner which led to amputation of his hand, his nose and a number of his fingers. His pleas to have his life ended fell on deaf ears until his brother shot him dead to end his agony. His brother was however charged with murder. There are various bases that have been proposed to be considered in cases of medical suicide that should be considered if it is to be allowed. The first one is the terminality of the disease. In some cases the doctor can establish that the patient will not recover and so it is just a matter of time to have him dead. Second, in many of such cases, the patient may be in too much pain that it is prudent to end the pain in consideration of the first factor that they will not recover. Cancer is one disease that causes such misery to the patient especially if it is recognized at a developed stage. The third factor to be considered is the patient’s opinion. If the patient feels that he wants his life ended, then that should be adopted and the doctor should assist in that. The implementation of such ideas is hard due to the legal aspects involved. Medical suicide is classified in various categories according to how it is performed. Voluntary one is done with the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Discuss the Careers of Teaching and Car Salesman Research Paper

Discuss the Careers of Teaching and Car Salesman - Research Paper Example I do have the panache to learn about the unique features of each model and brand I come across (Witkin 152). Should I be a car salesman, I will definitely be one who is quiet well informed about cars. Every good vocation begins with a deep interest, isn’t it (Bloom 26)? Besides, I am a very authentic talker and I do believe that anybody who comes to me with the intention of buying a car will certainly end up buying one (Andrews 247). I believe that sincerity and frankness are the ultimate credentials that make a good salesman (Shetty & Buehler 63). The other thing is that I am really good with numbers; however I really don’t know whether I will be able to convert my deftness and finesse with numbers into actual sales. One enticing factor is that if I end up being a great car salesman, at a later stage I can start my own car dealership. Pecuniary benefits do constitute an integral component of a great career. Well, one cannot expect to be a premium salesman right from th e start. Or perhaps, considering my astute skills and communication expertise, I can later on move to a career in real estate. Actually, the thing is that the more I ponder about a career in auto sales, the less convinced I feel about joining this profession. I should listen to my heart also. I think a career as a teacher will be the one that will do ample justice to my academic achievements and personal temperament. I do have the dedication to pursue a discipline with sincerity and dedication. One cannot teach what one does not know. In teaching a person needs to be proficient in the subject one teaches (Stronge 66). Besides, I have an academic bent of mind which continually nudges me to build on the understanding of the subjects I like (Aylett 75). Teaching will be a really suitable outlet for such academic dedication and sincerity. The other great personal attribute that supports my choice of teaching as a

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Manage People and Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Manage People and Performance - Essay Example Considering that Maslow’s theory presented us with five orders of needs it is clear that all of those were fulfilled by the job he had with Avant Garde. He had a competitive salary which took care of his basic needs for nourishment; he had a company car, free healthcare, personal pension plan and a job he liked which took care of his needs for safety, security and social affiliations. The fourth order need in term of esteem could have been fulfilled by his rising position within the company even through his first class travel as he worked for Avant Garde. Even in terms of self actualization, he could have attained some level of it through his making the HR Department of the company the envy of others. Recognition by others within his social circle and even outside his social circle would have come from this achievement and it is likely that he would have continued working for the company till his retirement. However, there was a fly in the ointment which caused him to rethink his decision and his life as well since his third order needs were put in danger. From being socially accepted within the company he found himself being excluded from meetings when the company he was working for was taken over by someone else. In fact, he even lost his position as part of the strategic decision making group of the company. The final straw as put by the case study was the requirement for Phil to eliminate a large portion of the company through making many of his co-workers redundant. These developments put Philip in a position where he could not continue working for the company. While his basic needs were being fulfilled, his higher order needs were not being met which made him look for other opportunities. Amongst these opportunities was the chance to work at his Alma Matter and he took that knowing that he had had positive

Friday, September 6, 2019

Some People Think That They Can Learn Better by Themsleves Than with a Teacher Essay Example for Free

Some People Think That They Can Learn Better by Themsleves Than with a Teacher Essay There has been a great deal written about the studying way of students for the past thousand years. Educators have started to wonder whether students should learn with intructors or not. Some people who are against this idea may argue that students ought to study by themsleves, which are likely to block their creativeness. One idea that has received much attention is that the majority of students tend to obtain knowledge from their teachers mainly because of its convenience and utility. This essay will discuss the teachers’ crucial function is not just the offer of excellent traning method but also an motivation for student. First and foremost, the wisdom of teachers can help learners steer their own boat in the ocean of life. For one thing, researchers have claimed that intructors may provide students with a wide range of advance knowledge thanks to their in-depth experience. When students learn without asking teachers’ assistance, they arenot be able to recognize their mistakes on their own and learn other difficult aspects in a lesson as well. For example, a number of students are in trouble in mathemartics; therefore, is is too hard for them to find out the way which in order to solve the problem. Teacher instructs and offers a variety of extra exercises so as to help them afterwards. For another, with teachers, students get the information not only in textbooks and materials but also the teachers’ knowledge. Almost teachers use adequate knowledge and accumulated experience to find the hidden talents of students. Realizing the students’ strong and weak points, which can help inst ructors implement approriate teaching methods for students. Second, a numerous entertainment activities, namely watching TV, searching web and playing games can distract students when they decide to learn subject by themselves at home. Put diferrently, teachers force students concentrate on lessons. They also approach a particular topic logically by taking it step by step. Without teachers, students will skip parts of learning process that arenot nesscesary for them, which can limit their understanding. Opponents of this may state that some people rather to waste their time to go for classes they can learn better with attend online classes by using internet at home since in a competitive world, time is one of the most concerned factors. Furthermore, there is not specific time, age limit to gain something new in online class. They have a point in thinking like that. On the other hand, they forget the fact that students usually start to feel nervous when exams come knocking at the door and teachers are able to prevent this situation by some special methods. In conclusion, it is undeniable teachers play important roles to motivate their children to become a successfull person.First, teachers with wide knowledge always provide students with a good direction to acheive goals. Moreover, they can push students in order to focus on the lessons. If this trend continues, more and more intellectual new generation will lay down a prosperous country.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Red Bull strategy

Red Bull strategy Red Bull is one of the biggest soft drink successes over the past the years. The slim blue silver can has developed a following among those who claim that it helps them with virtually everything to work better and play better. Yet Red Bull has a 70 to 90 percent market share in over 100 countries worldwide. During the past 15 years, the drink has been copied by more than 100 competitors, but such companies as Coca-Cola and Anheuser-Busch have been unable to take market share away from Red Bull. [Selling Power (September, 2004)] In 1982, Dietrich Mateschitz, the founder of Red Bull became aware of products called tonic drinks which enjoyed wide popularity in Asia. Energy drinks containing taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine and important vitamins and carbohydrates are claimed to help with physical endurance, improved reaction, speed and concentration and a feeling of well being. We can see that in the present days more than a billion cans of Red Bull are consumed each year around the world. Red Bull was launched in the UK in the mid-1990s of Austrian parentage. According to a Zenith International 2001 survey that, in 2001, it was the UKs third biggest soft drink by value, behind Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola. In the energy and sport drink sector, estimated to be worth  £750mn, it had an 86 per cent brand share by 2000, more than double the combined sales of Lucozades energy and sports brands. The advertising slogan of the Red Bull is The Drink That Gives You Wings and focuses on the stimulant properties of the drink. The functional sector concentrated on energy drinks, with brands such as Red Bull dominated. Meanwhile, the focus for sports drinks is replenishing carbohydrates and electrolytes quickly, and rehydrating the body after exercise. This subsector is still dominated by Lucozade Sport with  £34 mm in sales in 2000, but Coca-Cola intends to prelaunch its Powerade brand to capture a significant share, using Get Up, Stay Up as its campaign theme. Lucozade Sport in creating a new sector that is in tune with changes in lifestyles and reflects the development of sport physical activity. [Hawkes (1997), Johnson (2001), Newnham (2001)]  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Analysis of the external and internal environments of an organization influence strategic choices and compare the marketing proposition that, The UK total cold drinks market is large and competitive area in which, many powerful and famous brands with large marketing budgets competing for share. In the cold drinks market, increases in the soft drinks category have been slowing. However, growth has been driven considerably by the energy drink sector, which was worth an estimated  £940 million in 2003 and more than  £392 million in 2004 and still has grown 26% since 2003. (ACNielsen) The Energy drink category continues to grow at pace with brand extensions and new entrants to the market emerging every year. This represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the categorys leading brands. [Mintel Energy Stimulant drinks Market Report August 2006]. The Product Red Bull improves emotional status and vigilance, increases performance, reaction speed and concentration. Customers drink Red Bull for such benefits as these.   In times of long school hours, stressful work, and very tiring days, customers look to a product that vitalizes body and mind. Red Bull does just that!   Red Bull even supplies a sugar free version for the average health-concerned user.   The Target Audience (Market) At this point, the concept of market segmentation, targeting and positioning are key to the success of firms marketing efforts. Red Bull targets an active audience, especially those between the ages of 17 and 23, male and female.   Characteristically, 17- to 23-year-olds are either thinking about college, in college, or just recently graduated from college.   It is currently in a consumers life that dramatic schedule changes are happening.   High school atmospheres are considerably slower than the pace of college atmospheres. Sports, education, clubs and part-time jobs are far more challenging in a college setting.   Red Bull is targeting customers across the world that it is at the turning point in their lives when energy is a necessary component to successfully make it through any given day.   Red Bull is a perfect solution for 17- to 23-year-olds who live fast-paced, hectic lifestyles while hardly making it through long days and nights of classes and studying. Segmentation is also important because firms cannot appeal to all customers at once, especially not with the same offering.   Rather, firms need to design products and services that fit with particular groups of individuals. Firms can segment their market in a number of ways, including geographical which is mainly people who are situated in the city, as they are likely to be really busy and tired. Red Bull seems to have a cooler in most bars and clubs in the city as well as in convenient stores.Demographic, mainly concentrate on men and women of all ages but focusing on people aged 16-29. Psychographic for example, the people who are tired or stressed and want to relax and have fun and finally behavioural segmentation especially students and young professionals to boost energy during work long day at work. The type of marketing strategy that should be employed will vary on the target market. Choosing an appropriate target-marketing strategy will depend on a number of factors. Once a firm has selected the segment within which it wishes to compete, it must then choose a specific position within said segment where it will distinguish itself [Kotler and Keller, 2006; Kotler, 1980, 1985]. The requirement of market positioning refers more broadly to the notion of competitive advantage. The Proposition Red Bull is The Drink That Gives You Wings. This is Red Bulls international slogan for its energy drink. Red Bull is a popular drink amongst men in particular, with its largest consumers consisting of athletes, students, and night-clubbers in need of a late night lift.   However, the brand is marketed to opinion leaders and hard-working people with active lifestyles, as the companys website claims. Red Bull succeeds by remaining exactly the same. Consumers can choose with sugar or without. There is no other choice. As founder Dietrich Mateschitz says We dont bring the product to the people, we bring people to the product. Red Bull marketing maintains a sense of product mystique that makes consumers feel special. Customers can relate to the experience they were having when they encountered the drink and they adjust their values to the attributes of the product. The Competition Red Bull is competing with major competitor Lucozade in the soft drink market and they are the driving forces in the rapidly increasing energy drink market. A close assessment of their websites reveals that they have a similar focus in their messages, so they seem to be competing for the same customers. However, the message delivery is very different. This would seem to indicate that they are not concentrating their strategic objectives on stealing market share or overall market share growth. Instead they recognize that the whole market share pie is rising. For that reason it seems logical that each company would be concentrating on bringing in a greater number of the consumers new to the energy drink market. Red Bull is also competing with some companies such as show below; Vault -Markets product as a hybrid: Drinks as a Soda, Kicks like an Energy Drink The Taste. The Quench. The Kick. -A Coca-Cola product -Product Variations: Vault Zero (diet version) -Commercial advertisements display men doing extraordinary things while drinking Vault. Monster -Tagline: Unleash the Beast -Green and black themed product and website -Product variations: Lo-Carb, Assault(soda drink), Khaos(juice drink) -Khoas slogan: 70% Juice, 100% Monster -Promote Supercross racing events -Promote mixing Monster with alcoholic beverages, website provides mixed drink recipes. Rock Star -Edgy tone -Rock music plays on the website; Rod Stewart, Fernando Vargas and Snoop Dogg are pictured on the homepage of the site, Party Like A RockStar -Product variations:   Diet RockStar, RockStar Energy Cola, Get Juiced -Get Juiced slogan- 70% Real Juice, 100% Energy -Website sells merchandise: t-shirts, hats, wristbands, etc. -Youthfully imaged founder CEO Advertising Objectives Red Bull campaign strategy is to redirect the advertising from the former extreme sport athlete audience to a demographically larger target audience college students.   What will Red Bull campaign do for the target? Red Bull campaign will hit a soft spot and plant their product deep in to the minds of the target audience by using a childhood cartoon character for instance, Popeye the Sailor Man who has recently been missing in action on current television.   Their focus group study revealed that the targeted college student audience often wishes they could turn back the hands of time and relive their childhood when life was easy and they had all the energy in the world to laugh and play.   The goal is to reach their targets soft spot by using a childhood cartoon character pleasant childhood memories.   The Ad Pyramid (AIDA) Attracting Attention: Using a cartoon character, which the target market has not seen since childhood, to promote Red Bull will grab the attention of the 17- to 23-year-old audience.   Holding Interest:   The tagline, Tastes Better Than Spinach, pokes fun at the taste of Red Bull, using the technique of humour to keep the consumers interested in the product.   Sparking Desire:   The target market will also long for the desired energy results of Red Bull who long to return to the days of childhood.   Influencing Action: The interest in and the desire to drink Red Bull will add enough fuel to the consumers flame to make the target need and/or want to go out and purchase their product. Overall goal of Advertising Campaign: Red Bull wants to have at least 75-80% of all college students in the country drinking or highly aware of their drink.  Ã‚   The Media and Creative Requirements Creative Brief/Copy Platform Red Bull will reach out to the college student market by using humoured advertising, along with product benefits to prominently put Red Bull on the college campus map.   Our strategy is to implement pulse advertising to stress Red Bulls importance through midterm and final times by way of the following media:   MTVs the 10-Spot, People Magazine, and college radio stations nationwide. Red Bull is bringing Popeye back into the spotlight!   Popeye and his infamous love, Olive Oyl, will use their persuasion skills to remind the target market of sweet childhood memories, as a result, aiding in the desire to drink Red Bull for strength and energy.   What is Popeyes message, you ask?   Tastes Better Than Spinach is the hot button tagline we will use to reach the target market.   In the print and broadcast advertisements, Popeyes character will appear in various college settings, while studying and drinking Red Bull to gain energy, instead of eating what he is famous for, cans of spinach.   The Red Bull cans and website promote the specific product benefits increasing performance, concentration and reaction speed, improving vigilance and emotional status, and stimulating the metabolism.   We plan to stick with the effective strategy of humoured animation advertising to sell Red Bull Energy Drink across the United States.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Production requires the hiring of animators, scheduling studio time for voiceovers, hiring actors for the voiceovers, and obtaining the rights to use Popeye and Olive Oyl in advertisements.   Final edits are expected within the production elements. Popeyes strength and energy will flow into the college students of America. The result:   sky-rocketed Red Bull sales! Media Rationale People Magazine Many young adults within our target market read this weekly magazine.   People Magazine, constantly available for reading, is our chosen media outlet that can reach our target at nearly any time of the day.   People Magazine often sits in the lobby or waiting area of schools and businesses, giving us the opportunity to reach out to the consumers in many places and at many times of the day.   The creative vision of having the popular cartoon character, Popeye, drinking Red Bull in college settings will scream to our target that Red Bull Energy Drink is a necessity for the average college student.   MTVs the 10-Spot College students, far and wide, take a break from studying to tune in to the popular MTV 10-Spot.   Red Bull commercial advertisements during the highly rated Real World/Road Rules Challenge will clearly remind our audience of the energy they crave to make it through many hours of homework after their much needed break is over.   A constant reminder with three commercial slots during this half hour television show will have the target market running out to the nearest venue to buy Red Bull Energy Drink.  Ã‚  Ã‚   College Radio Stations What better way to reach our target audience than by pouring our product advertisement right into the heart of their schools media college radio stations!   Students are exposed to the sound of college radio in general public campus areas, such as cafes, restaurants, hallways and lounges.   Advertisements are to run between the times of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.   Surveys reveal that the target market prefers to drink Red Bull in the evening.   The evening targeting strategy will reach students after dinner hours when they are getting ready for gruelling night classes and/or long nights of studying.   Conclusion I can say that, advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services by an identified sponsor to a targeted audience and delivered primarily through the mass media. Advertising has much strength. It can reach a large mass audience to intensify broad-based demand for a product, build brand awareness, create long-term brand images and brand positions, and increase brand knowledge effectively. On the hand advertising has several weaknesses also. It is perceived as intrusive and as cluttering the environment. It is also wastes many impressions, so it may not be cost-effective, especially if the business is targeting a niche market.  Ã‚   If I want to critically evaluate how analysis of the external and internal environments of an organisation influence strategic choices and compare the marketing propositions of Red Bull this assessment show that, the energy drink market is competitive and rapidly increasing in the existing market sector. Therefore, selection of advertising media for Red Bull is one of the most important and complicated of all marketing communications decisions. Media planning must be coordinated with marketing strategy and with other aspects of advertising strategy. Bibliography Burnet, J. and Moriarty, S. (1998) Introduction to Marketing Communications: An Integrated Approach, by Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Geld, B. D., Hong, J. W. and Zinkhan, G. M. (1985) Communications Effects of Specific Advertising Elements: An Update in Current Issues and Research in Advertising, vol 11, ed. James H. Leigh and Claude R. Martin, Jr. (Ann Arbor, Mich: University of Michigan.   Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2004) Principles of Marketing, (10th edition), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Kotler, P. and Keller, K.L. (2006) Marketing Management, (12th edition), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Mintzberg, H. and Lampel, J. and Kim, J.B. and Ghoshal, S. (2003) The Strategy Process: Concept Contexts Cases (4th edition), published by Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors. New York: Free Press Porter, M.E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Free Press. Shimp, T. A. (2000) Advertising Promotion: Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 5th edn,by Harcourt, Inc. Electronic sources: Superbrands Book 2004 www.red-bull.com www.redbullrampage.com www.bevnet.com/reviews/redbull www.hoovers.com/red-bull www.brandchannel.com www.lanceandeskimo.com/chefelf/bev_lucozade.shtml www.business2000.ie/cases/cases/case4.htm www.begleys.com/stats.html www.thelocalshop.com/default Selling power sep 2004 REFERENCES Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2004) Principles of Marketing, 10th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Kotler, P. and Keller, K.L. (2006) Marketing Management, 12th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors. New York: Free Press Porter, M.E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Free Press. Superbrands Book 2004 Hawkes (1997), Johnson (2001), Newnham (2001) Mintel Energy Stimulant drinks Market Report August 2006 Selling power sep 2004 APPENDIX 1. FIGURE 1:   [Source: Nielsen value share data, MAT to December 27th 2006]. 2. FIGURE: Typical off-trade retail prices of energy and stimulant drinks and pack sizes, (2006). Red Bull Solstis Lucozade Original Energy Purdeys Red Devil Feelfine Tesco Kick Average price  £0.96  £0.90  £0.75  £0.70  £0.90  £1.09  £0.48p Pack size 250ml 250ml 380ml 330ml 250ml 250ml 250ml According to figure 1, Lucozade has been the market leader in the energy drink category with just under 60% value share of the category since its launch. The biggest competitors such as, Red Bull with 27% market share and PowerAde 4.5% market share respectively. In 2003 has also witnessed the introduction of several private label sport and energy drink launches from the major grocers. The rest of the market is made up with a plethora of smaller brands, predominantly operating in the stimulant drinks sector, and distributed via the impulse channel and the on-trade environment. [See figure 2: Typical off-trade retail prices of energy and stimulant drinks and pack sizes, 200 Appendix 2 Posters The Drink That Gives You Wings Even If you are a HERO!!! Tastes Better Than Spinach